Code of Conduct
Diakon’s official Code of Conduct is an extensive document that helps our staff members understand the scope of their responsibilities to those we serve as well as to the various guidelines and regulations under which we must operate. For your information and convenience, the Code of Conduct document is available in PDF form for your use.
An important part of our code is our overarching commitment to compliance. As part of that, we want to display prominently access to our Compliance Hotline. Diakon's Corporate Compliance Hotline can be reached by calling 1-855-561-7821. The compliance hotline is available to staff members, clients, clients’ family members or other representatives, volunteers and others for submitting concerns or complaints related to any Diakon program. The call is completely anonymous if the caller does not want to leave his or her name.
Many aspects of Diakon’s Code of Conduct can be encapsulated in the values we have held as an organization since our creation. Those important values are summarized below:
We believe that all people are unique gifts of God to be valued.
This means that:
- We will support Diakon’s mission to demonstrate God’s command to love the neighbor through acts of service.
- We will honor the dignity of fellow employees, clients, vendors, volunteers, directors, personnel from governmental and accrediting bodies, and all others with whom we come in contact on behalf of Diakon.
- We will be honest and forthright in all our communication and will use our words to “build up,” rather than “tear down,” individuals and the organization.
- We will be fair and consistent in all of our interactions with people and will not discriminate in our services, programs, admission, or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status or gender, nor will we tolerate discriminatory behavior by anyone in our organization.
- We will be respectful and will not harass or otherwise attempt to intimidate or demean any person or groups of persons, nor will we tolerate harassing behavior by anyone in our organization.
- We will maintain the confidentiality, privacy, and security of all information with which we are entrusted about residents, clients, and their families and about Diakon’s employees and business and will strive to ensure that no information is ever shared in an unauthorized manner.
We believe that we are responsible to God, the church and society for the use of all our precious resources.
This means that:
- We are committed to helping Diakon be a good corporate citizen and a model for other organizations.
- We will fully comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.
- We will report suspected non-compliance to our Compliance Office and cooperate with internal and external audits and investigations.
- We will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who reports suspected non-compliance.
- We will create and maintain accurate and complete business records and follow generally accepted accounting principles.
- We will create and maintain accurate and complete clinical records, in order to provide quality care for our clients and to meet the documentation standards required by reimbursement regulations.
- We will use Diakon’s assets faithfully for mission.
- We will be good stewards of our compensated time and will not misuse or misappropriate any of Diakon’s property, or supplies, including computers, software, networks, and access to the Internet, nor will we violate applicable copyright laws or licensing agreements.
- We will be good stewards of the environment, honoring the natural resources we have been given and handling our hazardous materials and waste with care.
We believe that all work that affirms God’s creation has worth and dignity.
This means that:
- We will not compromise the worth and dignity of our work by engaging in any activity or conduct which conflicts or appears to conflict, with the interests of Diakon, and its clients, and we will disclose to Diakon any potential conflict of interest.
- We will not offer anything of value to any individual or entity, nor will we accept anything of value from any individual or entity, in return for referral of business that may be subject to payment by a federal or state reimbursement program.
- We will not accept money, or gifts of more than nominal value, from clients or their families. Exceptions may be made for gifts donated for fair distribution among employees if no employee has solicited or encouraged such gift.
- We will not accept money, or gifts of more than nominal value, from vendors or any other individual or entity with whom we have a professional or business relationship, except that given through our agency’s authorized fund-raising efforts.
- We will not attempt to influence any government official, accrediting body, vendor, purchaser, resident or client by offering money, gifts or services.
- We will not use any of Diakon’s resources to contribute to political campaigns, parties, organizations or candidates.
We believe that teamwork, continual learning, and innovation enhance the quality of service.
This means that:
- We will provide quality care and service in a cost-effective manner.
- We will focus consistently on quality improvement and client/family satisfaction.
- We will participate in continuing education so that we know what is required of us and how to carry out our responsibilities with integrity, excellence, and diligence.
- We will be partners with one another in creating a safe workplace, complying with all safety programs, policies and procedures and assisting one another to do so.