
Our dedicated staff members ... in their own words

  • “It’s an amazing job,” says a Diakon Adoption & Foster Care staff member. “Every day is different, but in the end, we are forming families. I have always wanted to do something where I could make a difference and see the change I’ve helped to make. To bring children and families together...well, I just love what I do.”
  • “I love being at the reception desk,” says a Diakon staff member. “I greet people, meeting the public and many families. Plus, I have the chance to talk with a lot of people one-on-one and hear their stories.” 
  • “The Tuition Assistance Program is very generous,” says a Diakon Ministry Support executive. “I was able to take a course or two a semester, leading to my obtaining my master’s degree. I know of many other staff members who have used the program, to advance not only educationally but also in their career track within Diakon."
  • “We are a mentor for the youths we serve,” says a Diakon Youth Services case manager. “We establish a rapport and are there to just listen sometimes. Some of these kids have had to deal with terrible things in life. But we have a good team in place and are there for each other. It can be hard because you don’t always see success right away, but if you can change just one life and see one of your kids go to college, that’s very rewarding.”