Why Give to Diakon

There are many reasons to support Diakon Child, Family & Community Ministries, whose programs range from adoption and foster care to community-based services for older adults, at-risk youth programs and individual and family counseling:

  • Our services make a true difference in lives; for example, Diakon Child, Family & Community Ministries was one of the first such organizations to track the effectiveness of services through specific metrics that focus on change in the lives of children, youth and families
  • Our wide range of programs provides you with a choice in the type of ministry you wish to support
  • Diakon's staff and colleagues consistently support the organization’s services
  • Diakon is a 155-year-old organization, meaning we have consistently faced and met the challenges of a changing society and world and continued to serve those in need despite those changes
  • We are a financially sound organization; our annual rating of bonds by Fitch Ratings of New York has consistently been positive, a BBB+, outlook stable

If you have additional questions about giving to Diakon, please contact us today.

Email: Melissa Kindall, Vice President, Communications & Advancement
Phone: (717) 795-0308
Toll-free: 1-877-342-5667 (1-877-DIAKON-7)