State grant assists vocational-training effort at Diakon Wilderness Center
Boiling Springs, Pa. (Tuesday June 16, 2015)

Students learn vocational skills in the Diakon Wilderness Center's greenhouse, expanded this year to include a native plant nursery.
The Wilderness Greenhouse at the Diakon Wilderness Center recently transitioned to include a native plant nursery. But the mission of the greenhouse—to support services for at-risk youths at the center while also provide vocational training opportunities—has not changed.
In fact, that vocational effort recently gained a boost from a $24,825 grant from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency as part of the Pennsylvania Academic and Career/Technical Training Alliance effort. The alliance works to ensure that adjudicated youths receive appropriate academic and career and technical training opportunities so that they can develop the skills necessary either to continue their academic careers or enter the job market following release from court jurisdiction.
The grant is paying for capital supplies and equipment for the greenhouse. Goals of the grant include varying percentage increases in youths’ job-readiness, academic and employability skills; exposure to career and technical training opportunities; attainment of industry-recognized credentials; and awareness of employer resources through internships and other on-site contacts.
The Center Point Day Treatment Program and other wilderness center services, all of which aid youths from throughout the region, employ the greenhouse as one of three vocational-training efforts. The other vocational-training emphases are automotive mechanics and culinary skills.
For further information, please contact:
William Swanger, M.A., APR
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
(717) 795-0308