Diakon Wilderness Greenhouse & Native Plant Nursery seeks volunteers
Boiling Springs, Pa. (Wednesday April 15, 2015)
The Diakon Wilderness Greenhouse is looking for some green thumbs—particularly those belonging to volunteers.
The greenhouse—which now incorporates a native-plant nursery—will hold a “Going Native - Wilderness Greenhouse Volunteer Day” from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 25 at the Diakon Wilderness Center off Mountain Road near Boiling Springs.
“We hope people will come to celebrate Earth Day as we prepare our new nursery stock to be moved into our new native plant nursery,” says Kim Patten, greenhouse gardener. “We will be cleaning up plants, replacing broken pots, replacing tags, performing inventories, and possibly planting some newly arrived plugs and shrubs.”
The event will help to prepare the nursery for its grand opening May 9.
Proceeds from the greenhouse and native-plant nursery support Diakon Youth Services’ programs for at-risk youths.
For more information about the volunteer event, people should call Patten at 960-6740.
For further information, please contact:
William Swanger, M.A., APR
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
(717) 795-0308
E-mail: swangerb@diakon.org