The adoption and foster care processes require completion of various forms. Many of the forms, after they are downloaded and saved to your computer, allow you to type directly into fields on the form. Be sure to download the form to your computer’s hard drive before completing and saving it. The forms that allow you to type directly into fields on the form are identified with an asterisk.
The first ones ...
While there will be more forms for you to complete after you begin the process of becoming a resource family for foster care or adoption, these first ones—critical to your moving forward with the process—are listed below.
Please complete these forms and forward to us as you enter the process of becoming certified.
- Act 160 Disclosure Statement - For Applicants*
- Act 160 Disclosure Statement - For Adult Household Members Over 18*
Yes, this is a lot of forms ...
... but the following forms are very important in ensuring that your steps to fostering or adopting a child or youth go well. If you have any questions about any of the forms, please speak to your case manager or other member of our team.
The first form is a checklist of all the items you will need to complete your family information.
- Items Needed to Complete Your Resource Family File*
- Autobiography Guidelines
- Release of Information
- Resource Family Medical Report*
- FBI Clearance Information
- Resource Family Emergency Plan*
- Family Financial Report
- Online Mandated-Reporter Training
- Diakon’s Mandated-Reporter Policy - May 2018 Update
- Directions to Obtain Pennsylvania Criminal History - Online Request
- Child Abuse Clearance - Online Request
- Online Resource Family Reference Questionaire Form
Spanish Language Forms
- Solicitud de Certificación de Abuso de Niños
- Solicitud de los padres de recursos
- Lista de control de la familia Diakon 2021
Helpful links ...
Some of the forms above include links to external websites, such as for clearances. For your convenience, here are some of those links:
- Mandated Reporter Training
- Child Abuse Certification
- PA State Police Clearance
- FBI Registration
- Social Security Statement
- The link above typically works well, but if you have issues with the system, here is an application form you can use to request a transcript showing a 10-year income history.